It is very difficult to describe the history of the “Ameraucana” breed to everyone’s satisfaction. Some would say that it is “America’s NEWEST breed”, emphasizing its most recent developments; but that description overlooks and would deny the long history of the bearded muffed tailed blue egg layers that existed long before adoption of the ABA and APA Standards for “Ameraucana”, Read more...
We are a grassroots organization, by the cattle producer, for the cattle producer. The United States Cattlemen’s Association provides a full-time presence in Washington, D.C. in order to give ranchers from across the country a voice in all legislative matters related to the beef industry. PAGE RULES: We welcome comments that are reasonable, rational, and respectful. If your comments do Read more...
The Whatcom County Cattlemen’s Association is the local chapter of the Washington Cattlemen’s Association, made up of farmers and ranching families including Dairy families who live and make their livelyhood right her. It is our goal to, “Provide a unified voice for beef producers; promote innovative rangeland and livestock management; protect and preserve the cattle industry in the State of Read more...